This site was created as a Christimas present for Roberto by:
Niccolò: The elder son of Roberto and Elena, he is a third-year university student, specializing in Electronics and has created a new business, Pentacle Software. He developed the structure of this site, created the web pages, programmed the part in PHP and worked on the graphics. If he weren't the one writing this, it would be full of all sorts of other compliments. But when you have a lot of class you've got to be modest.
Carlo: He is the younger son; he goes to high school, and between one escapade and another, he is also becoming something of a computer "guru" (at Christmas time we all behave ourselves). He worked on the graphics side of the site and did the entire system of navigation among the pages. If he keeps on like this, he'll soon be able to go from "guru" to Guru: he's got the smarts (and how can he not, considering his brother. . .?) and it shows.
Elena: She is Roberto's sweet little wife, the "agricultural entrepreneur", the brains behind Montefili's success. Even though she is completely lost when it comes to the internet and computers, she gave us a lot of help, doing the writing, choosing the images, providing advice about the design, and especially spurring her lazier sons to get on with the job. |